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Oxford and Cambridge Tour

What included

Walking tour of Oxford and Cambridge

a visit to Christ Church College

Free lunch pack

Air-conditioned buses

Walking tour of Oxford

Follow the footsteps of Oxford’s famous students, from C.S. Lewis to Bill Clinton, as you walk the beautiful college courtyards of this historic university town. See the Bodleian Library, which is one of the oldest libraries in Europe on your visit. You’ll be attracted by the squares of this naturally beautiful town.

Christ Church

Christ Church is known as one of the major places for the harry Potter films! You will be surprised at the magical grandeur (壮丽) of the Great Hall, used as the setting for Hogwarts.

Senate House

Once you’ve left Oxford, you’ll make your way to the beautiful city of Cambridge. It’s here that you will visit Senate House at the world-famous University of Cambridge. It used to be the Council of the senate for important meetings, but it is now the chosen place for students’ degree celebration. You’ll get to travel this special place and discover its important history.

Please Note:

You must bring the e-ticket to enter this tour.

Bookings which are made after midnight for the same day will not include a free lunch pack.

During busy periods, buses without Wi-Fi may be used.


April 1 to October 31

Days of departure Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday

Check-in: 8:00 am

Departure: 8:30 am

Return: 7:00 pm

1.Which of the following is included in the tour

A.Free breakfast pack.B.Free buses travelling in Oxford.

C.Professors introduction.D.Air-conditioned buses.

2.What is Christ Church famous for

A.The place that Bill Clinton once visited.

B.Footsteps of Oxford’ s famous students.

C.A major place for the harry potter films.

D.Many beautiful squares.

3.What will happen if you book the trip after midnight for the same day

A.You won t get free lunch.

B.You ll pay more for the trip.

C.You don’t need to bring the e-ticket.

D.You’ll take buses without Wi-Fi.

I still remember a lovely girl, though I don’t know her name.

We met in the Children’s Hospital. I was 11. I was born with a hole in my heart. So was the five-year-old girl in the bed beside me. We were both recovering from the same operation. Because I was older and wiser, I thought it was my job to look after her. “Do you want to hear a story” I asked her one afternoon. “Great!” she said.

It was so easy to make her happy. She seemed always to be smiling or singing songs.

Life wasn’t fair. She passed away. My recovery went well. “You’re really lucky”, a nurse told me. “But how come my operation was so easy and hers wasn’t” I asked. “Easy” my dad said. “David, your operation wasn’t easy at all. we thought we were going to lose you. For two weeks after your operation many things could go wrong. You’re really lucky. When you were in the coma (昏迷), she used to come over to your bed and sing to you. She was watching over you.” my dad said.

My surgery scars (手术疤痕) are hidden under my shirt along with the memory of that kind little girl. She will be at my side like a small angel (hi). I am old and wise enough now to know that I have an angel watching over me whenever life is fair or unfair.

1.Why did the writer look after the little girl

A.He thought it was his duty.B.Her parents were busy.

C.She wanted to hear stories.D.She was his best friend.

2.What was the girls character like



3.What can we learn about the writer

A.He stayed in hospital for a short time.

B.It was easy for him to recover from illness.

C.A nurse in the hospital said he was unlucky.

D.He treasures the memory of that little girl.

4.What makes the writer still remember the girl

A.Her death.B.her dancing.

C.Her kindness.D.Her growth.

It’s reported that scientists in London have found the best diet for both humans and the planet.

If the world followed the so-called “planetary health” diet, each year more than ll million early deaths could be avoided according to the scientists. For the health of the planet, they say the same diet will reduce (减少) greenhouse gases and save more land, water and animals. This new food plan is the result of a three-year project organized by The Lancet health journal.

Tim Lang, a professor at Britain’s University of London. He said, “The food we eat and how we produce it decide the health of people and the planet.” Lang added, The world’s population is expected to grow to 10 billion people by 20xx. If we want to feed everyone, we all need to change what we eat and the way we eat by improving food production and reducing food waste”. So, what do you eat on the “planetary health” diet

The scientists who created the “planetary health” diet say it is largely plant-based but still has a little milk, fish and meat. The diet calls for cutting down red meat and sugar by 50 percent and increasing nuts, fruits, and vegetable.

Walter Willet of Harvard University in the United States also talked about the “planetary health” diet. He said, “More than 800 million people around the world do not get enough food while many more people have very unhealthy diets.”

The scientists think it difficult to reach their aim. But for them, doing nothing is also not a choice Willet said, “If we can’t make the best diet, it’s better to try and get as close as we can.”

1.What decides the health of people and the planet according to Tim Lang

A.The taste of the food.

B.The number of population.

C.The climate and our living conditions.

D.The food we eat and the way we produce it.

2.What does the “planetary health” diet mainly contain



3.What do scientists say about the “planetary health” diet

A.It is very easy to produce it.

B.It is better to try their best to make it.

C.It is better to do nothing than fail.

D.It is impossible to make it.

4.What is the best title for the text

A.Humans Health Is Very Important.

B.Many People don’t Get Enough Food.

C.A New Kind of diet may Save the Plane.

D.Different People have Different Eating Habits.

About 10 percent of public school students in the United States learn English as a second language. In some states, that number is much higher. About five million students in the country are considered English language learners, or ELLs. Such students are the fast-growing group in the US public schools.

The most commonly first spoken languages among ELLs in America are Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Haitian Creole and Vietnamese. Speakers of those five languages make up 92 percent of all ELLs included in the report.

English language learners can choose one of several kinds o1 program. There are some programs, in which students are mostly taught in their native language. And there are other programs, which offer students almost all classroom teaching in English. However, These kinds of programs do not always allow students to write and read in their native language.

There are also so-called bilingual programs. These programs offer teaching in two languages-English and another language. Research has shown that English language learners do best in bilingual programs, especially if the second language is their native language.

The lack of high-quality bilingual programs is clear. Nationally, about 83 percent of students complete their high school education. But the graduation rate (比率) among English language learners is far lower 65 percent.

School systems across the country sometimes look for bilingual educators internationally. But education experts say there are ways for states to find and train new teachers in their own areas. This spring, America came up with a list of “grow your own” rules for schools and states to follow. It advised states to offer a series of ways for bilingual teachers. It also suggested training bilingual teachers in their own areas even if they do not have a college degree.

1.What can we learn about English from paragraph 1

A.It is difficult for most students.

B.It is popular as a second language in American public schools.

C.It is easy for foreign students.

D.It is not welcome by public school students.

2.How many types of programs for English language learners are mentioned in the text



3.What does the underlined word “bilingual” in paragraph 4 mean

A.Learning one language.B.Using two languages.


4.Where is the text probably from

A.An educational magazine.B.A maths paper.

C.A diary.D.a storybook.


Our family enjoyed a beautiful house plant for over thirty years. It had stayed with us through ________ years and good times, pain and joy. I had never thought of ________ it.

However, two weeks ago, we ________ some changes of its leaves, which began to lose its color. We watered and looked after it even to the point of ________ it, like a child. But it just showed no sign of ________. We finally picked a few almost dead leaves and ________ replanting them in another small pot.

What ________ us was that these leaves which had been planted in the new pot grew strong. In order to know the reason ________ the house plant died, we dug the dead plant out of the pot Then, it became ________ to us―its roots (树根) were in disorder, completely tangling up (绞在一起). They had grown so massive (大量的) that they ________ the sides of the pot. Our once-beautiful plant ________ because it grew out of its environment―it became root-bound (根满盆的).

People can become root-bound, too. Those who ________ personal growth or development often want to make ________ that can lead to greater achievements (成就) or much more happiness. However, they more often ________ they outgrow their environment and want to ________. Their views become larger and they need ________ environment to live in. They need people who will make ________ for their growth. If they cannot be ________, some problems are sure to appear.

So if your new-found growth ________ you to push against the old ways, you may need to ________ you are bigger now.












12.A.depend onB.look forC.wait forD.turn down



15.A.take offB.fall downC.calm downD.set off








I gave one of my favorite sun hats recently to a friend Jack who had been looking for one like mine for several 1. (week). I found it online and had it sent to him for his birthday.

Later, I 2. (lose)my own and I was upset! That hat had traveled everywhere with me. But then a 3. (difference) friend came back from his trip to the Philippines. 4. did he give me as a giftA sun hat!

I want to host my friends and cook a dinner for the large group this week. 5. (fortunate), I have the chance to cook for a large group of people in my life. I enjoy 6. (learn) a few new recipes (食谱) on my own, shopping for the food, and cooking for them. Just today, I hiked with Jack and when we said goodbye, he took a box of food out and he wanted me 7. (have) them. There were all kinds of potatoes, onions, pears, apples and peaches. Those foods can be ready for the large group of my friends. Jack didn’t attend my party nor did he know about 8. dinner this week, and he didn’t do it 9. purpose. What an unexpected thing! Since then, Jack and I have been 10. (close) than ever.



1.You don’t sound very ________ (热情的) about the idea.

2.I believed that the world was not ________ (创造) by God.

3.The school has decided to take a different a_______________ to discipline.

4.The dish washing machine is a useful piece of e_______________ for the kitchen.

5.My ________ (助理) is clever and today he’ll show the machine in action.


假定你是李华,请给你的英国朋友 Peter写封信,谈谈你在高中的学习情况,内容包括:

1. 一件在高中学习中令你印象深刻的事情;

2. 个人对高中学习的感想和展望。

注意:1. 词100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Peter,



Li Hua


为了激发同学们的想象力和对未来生活的猜想,你校的英语报开办了专栏Future Life。请你根据以下提示为专栏撰稿,介绍一下你想象中的未来的汽车:









??? Success doesn’t begin until you start the walk down the pathway towards your goals.And,your walk ______ begins with a baby step.Why do we ______? them baby steps? Are they really more important than our ______ steps down life’s pathway?

Baby steps are the first steps we take as an act of faith.We ______ others stepping out and we claim (声称) our ability to ______ by following them.As we grow,we ______ our development by taking additional baby steps.Sometimes we fall;sometimes we fail.Thereafter,all ______ become an act of faith;we just become more practiced.______ you say to yourself,“I don’t want to ______ myself” or “I won’t try unless I’m sure I will succeed,” you’ll ______ never take the baby steps towards your ______ and end up wallowing in (沉湎) your own self-pity.

In society,we focus on (关注) results.We ______ every risk that must be taken to reach our goals.There are ______ people who are skilful performers of any tasks the first time they ______ them.They fail and succeed.Then,they build upon the ______ they have learned from each successive step.They practice their skills and use their talents through baby steps ______ they are ready to show them to the world.

So,______ to take those baby steps to achieve the goals before you.As you become more ______,your baby steps become a walk,then a jog (慢跑),and ______ a race.That’s how our baby steps ______ us through the marathon of life.









9.A.make a fool ofB.take pity onC.play jokes onD.make a secret of














One morning,a bus was running,in which were some people 1. (go) to work. Suddenly,a car rushed out? from? a? nearby? road;the? bus 2. (force) to stop. It was a car taking pictures of a wedding (婚礼),3. (follow) by a line of slow-moving?? wedding cars.The passengers started to complain that they would be late 4. work,but the? bus? driver just? sat? in? his? seat 5. (quiet) and rang the horn (喇叭) from time to time.

Someone said to the driver,“No use ringing the horn;they won’t make way for you.You’d better rush through the line.”

The driver turned back and said with 6. smile,“I’m ringing the horn not to urge them to make way for 7. (I),but to wish them happiness.”After a second,he added,“Marriage is a happy thing,so we have a chance 8. (make) way for others’ happiness.Isn’t it a happy thing?”

The passengers on the bus calmed down.

9. is a happy thing to make way for others’ happiness.The one 10. has such a feeling is certainly a happy person.








The first time I went to the zoo was several years ago,with parents.Yesterday I went to the zoo with some classmates.Arriving here,we got a guidebook and started walking round a zoo.We all got pretty exciting about visiting the animals.But something in their eyes made me to think they might enjoy live in the wild rather than be kept in a cage.One classmate might have guessed what had come in my mind,as he tells me at least in this way we had a good chance to know more about the animals.I don’t know.Maybe some days there will have a better way to see and study them.










What is the woman

A.A student.B.A teacher.C.A saleswoman.

What will the man do on Friday

A.See a film.B.Attend a lecture.C.Go to the theater.

Which character is the woman’s favorite in Friends


What is the man complaining about

A.His career.B.His health.C.His kid.

Whom will the man celebrate the festival with

A.His brother.B.His parents.C.His grandparents.



1.What’s the woman doing

A.Making an invitation.B.Asking for help.C.Giving advice.

2.What does the man plan to do today

A.Play tennis.B.Go on a trip.C.Help Emily study.


1.How much is a ticket


2.When should the woman collect the tickets at the latest

A.At 6:00 pm.B.At 7:00 pm.C.At 8:00 pm.


1.How many people are there in Peter’s family


2.When do the whole family walk the dog

A.On Friday.B.On Saturday.C.On Sunday.

3.What does Peter do at home

A.Do the laundry.B.Cook food.C.Sweep the floor.


1.What is the weather like today


2.What does the man like doing most

A.Playing in the pool.B.Playing computer games.C.Reading books.

3.How often does the man do exercise

A.Hardly ever.B.Once a week.C.Twice a week.

4.Where will the speakers be next Saturday night

A.In a cinema.B.In a bookstore.C.At the woman’s house.



1.What is the speaker

A.A teacher.B.An editor.C.A student.

2.What is necessary for a volunteer

A.Communication skills.B.High scores.C.Experience.

3.What’s the best reason for taking the job

A.To learn to write.B.To make money.C.To have fun.

4.When are volunteers expected to start working

A.Right after the meeting.B.Tomorrow.C.Next week.


Many people like traveling, but they cannot take their dogs wherever they go. Some people let their dogs stay alone at home while others ask someone else to take care of their pets. If you’re leaving your beloved pet at home for a holiday, it can turn into a bad experience. Luckily, you don’t have to worry about your dogs anymore because Rover can cover for you while you are on leave. Rover is the latest service to offer athome dog boarding. It’s a good alternative (替代) to boarding your dog at a dog boarding kennel (狗舍) or your neighbor’s house.

The way Rover works is sort of like Airbnb. Dog owners surf the Rover website or app for pet sitters (照看者), which can be organized by zip code (邮政编码) and available dates. Information of pet sitters is provided, complete with many reviews, specific services and rates. Now Rover has over 25,000 pet sitters in more than 5,000 US cities. And they’re all experienced pet sitters.

After finding someone that meets your needs, just send messages to the pet sitter to arrange a meeting. Then, like Rover says, all that is left to do is relax! Rover’s pet sitters are encouraged to send text and picture information throughout the day, and if there’s a medical emergency, the site will send a vet (兽医). Besides, don’t worry about a pet sitter who fails to help you, because someone else will soon take his or her place.

Happy doggie, happy travels―that sounds good to us. To learn more about Rover, click here.

1.What kind of service does Rover mainly provide

A.Helping people take care of their dogs.B.Helping parents look after their kids.

C.Telling people where to travel to.D.Providing information about dogs.

2.According to Paragraph 2, we can know about a pet sitter through .

A.sending emails

B.making phone calls

C.asking other dog owners

D.looking at information on Rover

3.What is a Rover pet sitter encouraged to do

A.Walk the dog every day.

B.Learn some first aid skills.

C.Call the pet owner anytime.

D.Provide the latest information about the dog.

An earthquake is one of the most common natural disasters. It may cause great damage. So it is wise to learn some simple safety tips to protect yourself or your family members.

Fragile items like those made of glass are easily broken and should usually be placed on a lower surface, near the ground instead of placing them in the cupboards higher up. Never place them near your bed, sofas and other furniture where you would be sitting or lying down. When there is a strong movement, these pieces will fall on the floor directly and not on you.

There is a strong chance of short circuits (短路) and fire during an earthquake. Make sure you turn off electrical connections and gas immediately when an earthquake happens.

During an earthquake, lie beneath an object that is not easily damaged. Do not go near objects that could directly fall on you. Never use the elevator to go down. Stay inside until the shaking stops and it is safe to go outside. Research has shown that most injuries happen when people inside buildings try to go out. Use the staircases at all times.

If you are outdoors, do not take shelter under a tree, streetlights, electric poles or tall buildings. If you are driving, stop your car and stay in a safe place. Do not park your car under a tree or any tall object.

If trapped in debris (瓦砾堆), cover your mouth with a handkerchief or clothing. Tap on a pipe or the wall so that rescuers (营救人员) can find you. Use a whistle (哨子) if one is available. Never shout for help. Shouting can cause you to breathe in dangerous amounts of dust. Do not light a match because you may burn yourself. Do not move about or kick up dust.

1.The purpose of the passage is to tell readers .

A.what to do in earthquakes

B.how to prevent earthquakes

C.the damage caused by earthquakes

D.the rescue work after earthquakes

2.The underlined word “Fragile” in Paragraph 2 probably means “_”.

A.Easily foundB.ExpensiveC.Easily brokenD.Heavy

3.During the earthquake, people are advised to .

A.take shelter under a tree

B.drive to a safe place quickly

C.go out of the building at once

D.turn off electricity and gas immediately

Physical education, or PE, isn’t required for all high school students. In some schools, it isn’t offered for some different reasons. But should high school students have physical educationThe answer is certainly “yes”.

Today many people don’t do sports. But as is known to all, doing sports is very important for an adult. Teaching teens the importance of a healthy lifestyle and making fitness plans now can help teens put exercise in the first place as an adult.

High school isn’t that easy. Many students are under a lot of stress. Stress can be harmful to a student’s studies and life. Doing sports can help them deal with stress better, helping them live a happier life at school.

The American Heart Association says that 10 million kids and teens suffer from obesity (肥胖症). Teens should get 60 minutes of physical activity per day to control their weight and to help their bones get stronger. The increase in activities that don’t get teens to move around, such as video games and computer activities, means many teens don’t get their required exercise. PE classes act as a public health measure to encourage physical activities and help teens have healthy weights.

Not doing sports increases teens’ risk of developing many diseases. An active lifestyle offers a good way of protection from these health problems. As much as 75 percent of health-care spending goes toward treating medical conditions that can be hindered by lifestyle changes, according to the American College of Sports Medicine.

According to the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition (PCFSN), students who performed five hours of physical activity each week improved their academic (学业的.) performance. Students from programs with no physical activity, who used the extra time for classroom study, did not perform better on tests than those who gave up some study time in support of physical education.

1.According to Paragraph 2, what does physical education in high school mean

A.Making teens attach importance to exercise later.B.Removing the stress faced by teens at school.

C.Getting teens to encourage adults to exercise.D.Helping teens learn to make good plans.

2.What does the underlined word “hindered” in Paragraph 5 mean


3.According to the PCFSN, doing sports .

A.means making students choose between sports and studies

B.helps students make good use of all their time

C.means students adjust to their studies better

D.helps students do better in their studies

4.What is the text mainly about

A.Why high school students should receive physical education.B.Why some schools consider physical education important.

C.How schools can help students love doing sports.D.How high school students can live a better life.


How to Be a Good Tourist

We travel not only for work but also for fun and learning. Restaurants, galleries, temples and architecture...These places are like homes for people who live and work there. How would you want visitors to behave in your own home1. There are many ways of doing this without sacrificing our own holiday.

Do your homework. 2. Guides will help you when you get to the site, but is that the best place to goIs it popular only because the one-day tourist can see it easily or because it is really a worthwhile place to visit?You’d better check it out.

3. Walk around, even if in the streets closest to your hotel. Eat in local restaurants. Talk to the locals. Learn a few in the local language and use them. You will surely get a smile from the hotel staff and street sellers.

Help preserve the sites. Most of the sites you visit may be visited by millions of people a year, so care needs to be taken to allow others to enjoy them as well. Some of these monuments are so old and fragile that they are sensitive to the touch of hands or bags and shows. 4. This way, you don’t encourage the use of those plastic bags that fly all over many sites.

And here’s the big one ― good manners are nearly universal. 5. If that doesn’t sound like you, then give the world a break and stay home.

A. Experience the place.

B. Always have a cloth bag with you.

C. Read about the places you want to visit.

D. Try to buy something from the local stores.

E. A good tourist is polite, positive and eco-sensitive.

F. We’ve cleaned up after ourselves and taken only good memories.

G. I think we would like them to make it a little better because of their visit.


Have you ever had problems in your life and don’t know how to be happyIf ____, you will find “Being a Happy Teenager” by Australian writer Andrew Matthews ____.

In his book, Matthews ____ us how to have a happy life and answers the ____ of teenagers.

Matthews writes about many ____ in the book, such as parents and friends, and the book ___ we should stop being angry and learn to forgive. The book tells us of useful skills ___ how to put what you have learned into pictures of your mind to ____ your memory better.

Many teenagers think ____ happiness comes from a good exam result, ____ praise from other people. But you can ____ be happy even when there are no such “good” things. Success comes from a(n) ____ attitude. If you ____ from problems, you will have success in the future.

Some school students have ____ of being too tall or too short. But Matthews tells us that ___ comes from thinking about things in a positive ____. If you are ____, people notice you and you can get a ____ view at the movie; if you are short, your clothes and shoes ____ less room in your bedroom! This is Matthews’ most important ____: you choose to be happy!






















阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(每空一词)或括号内单词的正确形式(不多于3 个单词)。

Peru is a country in South America 1.three main areas and it used to 2. (control) by Spain for more than 200 years. It is for this reason 3.Spanish is the main official language of Peru.

Thousands of people 4.(attract) to Peru every year by its beautiful 5. (sight), such as the unique plants and animals to the Amazon rainforest, the buildings in Machu Picchu, and so on. People also love to experience the local Indian culture at Cusco while visiting the museums and 6. (enjoy) the excellent local food.

Lake Titicaca is one of the most famous tourist 7. (destination) in Peru. People can enjoy the beautiful countryside by driving along the new highway 8.(connect) Cusco to Lake Titicaca.

All in all, people can experience everything in Peru, from the ancient Inca culture to 9. (deeply) rainforests. No wonder so many people take package tours around Peru every year. Will you come if you have 10. chance to visit this wonderful countryI’ll do.


假定你是李华,你和父母决定春节期间到桂林旅游,请你给你的英国笔友 Jack 写封信, 介绍相关情况。要点如下:



3.你的准备:上网了解(桂林景点、其他游 客的经历);

4.邀请 Jack 来一起游玩。

注意:1.词数 100 左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。








