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  黄鹤楼(Yellow Crane Tower)位于湖北省武汉市蛇山(Snake Hill),享有“天下江山第一楼”之称。它是江南最著名的塔楼之一。由于地理位置优越,孙权将黄鹤楼建成军队瞭望塔(watchtower)。百年来,其军事用途逐渐被遗忘,而主要被当做风景如画的景点欣赏。唐代有许多脍炙人口的诗篇赞美黄鹤楼。正是这些诗,黄鹤楼才能如此著名,吸引人们前来参观。不同朝代,黄鹤楼有不同的建筑特色。然而,今天的黄鹤楼是基于淸朝塔楼建造的。


  Located on Snake Hill in Wuhan, Hubei Province,Yellow Crane Tower is enjoying the fame of "The FirstScenery under Heaven". It is one of the most famoustowers at the south of the Yangtze River. Due to theideal location, it was built by Sun Quan, Emperor ofWu, as a watchtower for his army. After hundreds of years,its military function was graduallyforgotten and the tower served mainly as a picturesque spot. During the Tang Dynasty, manypopular poems were written in praise of the Yellow Crane Tower. It was these poems thatmade the tower so renowned and attractive for people to visit. The tower had differentarchitectural features in different dynasties. However, the tower which stands today is based onthe one designed during the Qing Dynasty.

  1.位于湖北省武汉市蛇山:可译为Located on Snake Hillin Wuhan,在句中作状语,表明黄鹤搂的位置。

  2.天下江山第一楼:可译为The First Scenery underHeaven。



  秦朝是中国历史上第一个统一的、多民族的、中央集权的、封建王朝(feudal dynasty)。尽管秦朝只持续了15年,但是它在中国历史上扮演着重要角色,对后续朝代产生了重大影响。为了巩固国家统一,维持秦朝永传万代,秦始皇在政治、经济、军事和文化上进行了很多改革。政治上,他宣布自己就是这个国家的皇帝,手握重权。经济上,他统一了度量衡(weights and measures)和货币。另,他还统一了文字以及车轮之间的距离。世界奇迹—万里长城也是他命令建造的。


  The Qin Dynasty was the first unitary, multi-nationaland power-centralized,feudal dynasty in Chinesehistory.Although lasting only for 15 years, it playedan important role in Chinese history and exerted agreat influence on the foltowing dynasties. Tostrengthen the unity of the nation and to perpetuate the Qin Dynasty, Emperor Qin Shi Huangcarried out many reforms in politics, economy, military affairs and culture. In politics, he declaredhimself the emperor of the stale in possession of all major powers. In economy, he standardizedweights and measures as well as money. In Addition, he standardized the written characters andthe distance between two wheels. The miracle of the world, the Great Wall of China was alsobuilt under his order.








  布达拉宫(the Potala Palace)坐落在西藏拉萨西北角玛布日山(Mountain Maburi)上,是一座融宫殿、寺宇和灵塔于一体的巨大建筑。据说它是松赞干布 (Songtsen Gampo)为迎娶文成公主而建的。布达拉宫具有鲜明的藏式风格,依山而建,气势雄伟。髙115米,共13层。主体建筑分红、白两宫,红宫居中,白宫居两侧。红宫有历代__喇嘛(Dalai Lama)的灵塔(coffin tower)和各类佛堂及经堂(scripture shrine);白宫部分是__喇嘛处理政务和生活居住的地方。布达宫堪称一座建筑艺术与佛教艺术的博馆。


  The Potala Palace is located on Mountain Maburi inthe northwest of Lhasa in Tibet. It"s a large buildingembodying palace, temple and coffin tower. It is saidthat the Potala Palace was built by Songtsen Gampofor his marriage to Princess Wencheng. The PotalaPalace is characteristic of a distinct Tibetan style. Built on the mountain, it looksmagnificent.It is 115 meters high and has a total of 13 floors. The main body is divided into theRed Palace and the White Palace, with the former inthe middle and the latter on either side. TheRed Palace contains coffin towers for all Dalai Lamas in the past dynasties and all kinds ofBuddhist temples and scripture shrines. The White Palace is where Dalai Lama works and lives.The Potala Palace can be called a museum both of architectural and Buddhist art.

  1.松赞干布为迎娶文成公主而建的:即“布达拉宫是松赞干布建的,为了迎娶文成公主”,其中“为了迎娶”可译为for one"smarriage to。

  2.鲜明的藏式风格:“鲜明的”可用distinct表达;“藏式风格”可译为Tibetan style。

  3.依山而建,气势雄伟:“依山而建”即“建在山上”,可译为be built on the mountain;“气势雄伟”即“看上去很宏伟”,可译为it looks magnificent。

  4.红宫居中,白宫居两侧:本句可使用with引导的复令结构,“居两侧”译为on either side。

  5.历代__喇嘛:即“所有过去朝代的__喇嘛”,即all Dalai Lamas in the past dynasties。


  7.__喇嘛处理政务和活居住的方:其中“…的方”可用where引导的 表语从句;“处理务”译为work即可。

  8.堪称:可译为can be called。
